Several years ago, Kara coined the phrase, 'YA YA,' in our family whenever something wonderful was about to, or had happened. She had everyone saying it, from little 2 year old Ellie on up! (Well, okay, not her dad!) So this Ya Ya is for you, bear--the third Ya is how the chinese would say it! (this is my tailor's sewing machine)
Add to that her knitting skills, her gift for writing, her decorating talents, her 'luck' in finding incredible shopping bargains and you begin to see what a multi-talented gal she is!
Her enthusiasm for travel is becoming legendary. She has a book about a 1000 places to see before you die...which she is diligently checking off. She has been to Hong Kong, China, Japan, Bali, England, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, France and the list continues. YA YA for Kara!
Kara has always loved animals. We had Patches, (her cat) Twinkles, (her bunny), and a stinky little white mouse called Mickey. When we went to Thailand, we had to walk down to the baby elephant pen, so Kara could exclaim, 'Oh, look at the cute widdle babies,' and other baby talk anecdotes that had the mama elephant a little worried!